Family: Rosaceae (Rose family).
Natives of southern Australia.
Occurrence: Common Sheep's Burr (A. echinata) is the most widespread and abundant of the Sheep's Burrs.
Identification of Sheep's Burrs:
The fruit have barbed spines which catch in the hides of animals, and in clothing, which aids in dispersal. They are often regarded as pasture weeds.
Name: acaena: from the Greek akanthos: a thorn.
Common Sheep's Burr (Acaena echinata) . Mostly hairless. The hairs on the undersurface of the leaves are along the main vein. The spines are of unequal length. Common.
Photos 1: Mature fruit of Common Sheep's Burr. Its spines are of unequal length.Common Sheep's Burr in flower.
2, 3: Below left. Common Sheep's Burr in flower.
4: Below centre Woolly Sheep's Burr. The spines are of unequal length.
All photos: Castlemaine.
Scale bar = 1 cm