Sheep Sorrel - introduced (*Acetosella vulgaris)

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Other names: *Rumex acetosella, Sorrel.
Family: Polygonaceae (Dock family).
Native of Europe and Western Asia.

Occurrence: All States of Australia. It is a widespread pasture and environmental weed. It invades roadsides, and may be a troublesome garden weed.


Notes: A winter-spring perennial herb. Infested paddocks may be coloured red from the abundance of Sheep Sorrel.

Sheep Sorrel has an extensive underground root system from which new plants can grow. Male and female flowers are on separate plants. The leaves contain oxalate which can cause poisoning of stock if eaten in large quantities.

Right: Sheep Sorrel. Turner St, Castlemaine.
Below: Sheep Sorrel, Castlemaine and Nuggetty.

Scale bar = 1 cm

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