Plants of the Castlemaine District.
Grey Mistletoe - native (Amyema quandang)
Family: Loranthaceae (Mistletoe family).
Uncommon. It usually grows on wattles.
It is a hemi-parasite; it relies on the host plant for water and minerals, but has chlorophyll and is able to make its own sugars and other carbohydrates.
the mainly red flowers are erect, not drooping; the flowers resemble candlesticks in a candelabrum
/li>it usually grows on wattles
the leaves are grey.
Name: quandang: aboriginal name for the tree on which this mistletoe was first found.
Photos 1: Fruit. The berries are eaten and so distributed by birds such as the Singing Honeyeater and Mistletoe Bird. 2, 3: Grey Mistletoe, El Dorado. 4: Grey Mistletoe on acacias. Gaasch's Road, Harcourt.