Family: Rosaceae (Rose family).
Native of Europe.
Occurrence: A widespread weed of bushland, grassland and waste places.
- it is a small plant, usually less than 10 cm high. The spreading branches may be longer.
- the leaves are fan-shaped and divided into narrow lobes
- the flowers are green, inconspicuous, and clustered at the leaf bases
- the sepals are about a quarter (or less)of the length of the flower.
Similar species: The native Australian Piert is very similar. Its sepals are about a third of the length of the flower base, and the seed case is reddish brown at maturity.
Right: Branch of Parsley Piert.
Left. Flower of of Parsley Piert. The lobes are about a quarter of the flower length, and
have coarse bristles. The base of the flower often has fine hairs.
Below centre: Parsley Piert on farmland. Strangways.