Other names: *Myrsiphyllum asparagoides, Smilax.
Family: Asparagaceae (Asparagus family) formerly included in the Lily family.
Native of South Africa.
Occurrence: Widespread. It is often locally very abundant, and can smother other species. It thrives in coastal and inland areas.
- it is a climber/scrambler with shiny ‘leaves’ in stalkless pairs
- the ‘leaves’ have parallel veins
- it has white flowers, followed by red berries
- the plant produces masses of fleshy tubers.
Bridal Creeper is a major environmental weed and is listed as one of Australia’s “weeds of national significance”. It smothers native vegetation, and the mass of underground tubers prevents regeneration of native species. It is a garden escape, and is still used in hanging baskets. The seed is spread by birds and animals. Bridal Creeper dies down in summer.
1: Dense Smilax, Eyre Peninsula, SA.
2, 3: Smilax in flower. Castlemaine Botanic Gardens. 4: The dense mat of tubers. Botanic Gardens.
5: In fruit. Nuggetty.