Family: Brassicaceae (Cabbage, Turnip family).
Native of North Africa and southern Europe.
Occurrence: Scattered. Grows in weedy places and bushland.
- the flowers have four yellow petals which fade to white
- the basal leaves have a large terminal lobe and several smaller lobes along the leaf-stalk
- the fruit are slightly constricted between the seeds, and are on a slender curved stalk
- the fruit are held erect, and away from the stem
- the seeds are red-brown
- the fruit has a short beak, and there is a short (1-3mm) stalk at the base of the fruit, which joins to the slender stalk.
Right 1: Dried specimen. Forest Creek at Golden Point.
2: Twiggy Turnip. Riddell's Creek.
Below: Basal leaves have a large terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes. Riddell’s Creek.