Family: Crassulaceae (Crassula family).
Native of Southern Australia.
Occurrence: In or near standing water. Shallow water of creeks, dams etc, or on mud flats near dams.
- it has succulent leaves which are in opposite pairs
- the leaves are about 1 cm long, slightly flat, and narrow
- on mud the plant may be a few centimetres high; in water it may be 10 or 20 cm long
- it has small flowers growing on slender stalks from the leaf bases.
It may form dense mats.

2: Swamp Crassula. It was growing in water with Common Reed. The narrow fleshy paired leaves help identify the plant. Note the flower on a slender stalk towards the top of the plant. The submerged portion of the plant is also evident. Forest Creek, Castlemaine.
Small dryland crassulas