Plants of the Castlemaine District
Kidney Weed- a native (Dichondra repens)
Family: Convolvulaceae (Convolvulus family).
Native of Australia.
Occurrence: A mat-forming plant of damp places, including well-watered lawns.
- the leaves resemble those of the native Ivy-leaf Violet
- the flowers are tiny, and are white or yellow
- the stem is creeping, and Kidneyweed often forms roots at the base of the leaf stalk.
Similar species: Kidneyweed can be confused with the native Ivy-leaf Violet. The leaves of Kidneyweed have
shorter leaf-stalks, and are hairy. A magnifying glass may be needed to see the hairs.
Photos: 1,2,3. Kidney Weed. Metcalfe Flora Reserve.

4. Portion of a Kidneyweed stem. Roots are often formed at the base of the leaf stalk. Barkers Creek.