Family: Dipsacaceae (Teasel family).
Native of Europe.
Occurrence: An uncommon weed in Central Victoria.
- it grows to about 2 metres high
- the leaves have prickles along the midrib of the lower surface
- the purple flowers are clustered into a terminal ovoid head
- the elongated leaves have a white midrib
- the leaves (bracts) at the base of the flower curve upwards
- the flower cluster has a ‘hedgehog’ like appearance.
Notes: Wild Teasel is a noxious weed and Regionally Resricted in central Victoria. The dried heads of some varieties were formerly used to tease woollen cloth.
Photos 1: Seed head of Wild Teasel.
2: Wild Teasel. Lake Bullen Merri.
3: Wild Teasel. The upper petals have fallen off. Ballarat.