scale bar = 1cm.
Small-leaved Brown Stringybark - native (Eucalyptus aurifodina)
Small-leaved Brown Stringybark is much less common than Red Stringybark in local forests. It grows in parts of
Muckleford and Smiths Reef forests, along Porcupine Ridge and in the Alma-Talbot district.
It resembles Red Stringybark, but differs in:
- the buds are rounded at the tip and are slightly warty (the buds of Red Stringybark have beaked tips)
- the juvenile leaves are glossy green, thick, and almost round
- the adult leaves are a glossy green.
It differs from Messmate Stringybark in that
- the juvenile leaves of Small-leaved Brown stringybark are thick, round and glossy; the juvenile leaves of Messmate are strongly asymmetrical
- Messmate bark is usually a lighter brown
- the valves of Brown Stringybark fruit are exserted; in Messmate the valves are below rim level.
It differs from Brown Stringybark (E. baxteri) in the small leaves, buds and fruit.

Photo 1: Small-leaved Brown Stringybark at the corner of Gower Track and Smith Reef Track were burned in a fuel reduction burn.
2: Small-leaved Brown Stringybark along Loop Track, Porcupine Ridge. The understorey shrubs are Scented Bush-pea.

3: The distinctive juvenile leaves. 4, 5: Buds and fruit. Smiths Reef.
Small-leaf Brown Stringybark page 2