Is it a native?
Petty Spurge - introduced (*Euphorbia peplus)
Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia, Rubber Tree family).
Native of Europe.
Occurrence: A very common garden weed.
- it is a branched plant with green opposite leaves
- the sap is milky
- the flowers are at the ends of the branches
- the flowers contain the central female flower, which is surrounded by male flowers
- the stems branch near the summit.
The milky sap is poisonous, and is reputed to kill domestic animals, mostly through eating
spurge infested hay. The sap is also caustic to skin, and can damage eyes. Care should be taken to
remove it from areas used by children.
Photos 1: A mature specimen.Some of the leaves have begun to redden.
2: Flowers of Petty Spurge. Both specimens: Garden weeds, Castlemaine