scale bar = 1cm.
Freesia hybrid- introduced (*Freesia alba × Freesia leichtlini)
Family: Iridaceae (Iris family).
Garden hybrid.
Occurrence: Scattered occurrence. It may be locally abundant.
- the leaves are flat and grasslike
- the flowers are trumpet-shaped with six lobes
- the flowers are usually white with yellow markings. The outside may have purple tones
- the erect flower talk bends at right angles near the tip - the flowers grow from the horizontal portion.
This weed may reproduce from seed, corms or bulbils. The bulbils are produced in the leaf axils, and can be spread by mowing or slashing. Dispersal of Freesias is also aided by dumping of garden refuse.
An environmental weed.
Photos 1, 2: Roadside weeds. Castlemaine.

3: Pt. Lincoln bushland.