Is it a native?
Sword-sedges and Rapier-sedges - natives (Lepidosperma species)
Sword-sedges and Rapier-sedges are plants of the dry forests, not aquatic places. The leaves are long and tufted from the base. Leaves (in local forests) are typically 30-50cm long, and can resemble the leaves of some mat-rushes. The flowers are dark coloured. The leaves may be flat or almost cylindrical.
Variable Sword Sedge (Lepidosperma laterale).

The flowering stalks are flattened. Widespread.
Flowers. Walmer.
Wire Rapier-sedge (Lepidosperma semiteres)

Wire Rapier Sedge. Glenluce.
Rapier Sedge (Lepidosperma curtisiae)

Flowering stalk rigid, almost round. Leaves resemble the flowering stalks. Flowers few, clustered. Scattered localities.