Plants of the Castlemaine District
Spiny-headed Mat-rush - native (Lomandra longifolia)
Family: Asparagaceae (Asparagus family).
Occurrence: Common to the higher rainfall forest south of Castlemaine.
The male and female flowers are on separate plants.
- it forms tough large tussocks
- the bracts (the floral leaves) at the base of the flower clusters are straw-coloured, narrow and pointed, giving a spiny appearance
- the leaves end in jagged points.
The spiny bracts may be very short or absent.
Name: longifolia: with long leaves.

Photos 1: Spiny-headed Mat-rush is often planted. White Horse Road, Box Hill. 2: Flower cluster. Lauriston.

3: Male flower clusters are often denser and more branched. Macarthur Park. 4: It is more common in wetter forests. Spargo Creek.