Plants of the Castlemaine District
Field Rush - native (Luzula meridionalis)
Family: Juncaceae (Rush family).
Occurrence: Common and widespread in heathy dry forests.
Luzula and Juncus are the two groups making up the Rush Family. Luzula differs from Juncus in that field rushes
- are plants of the dry forest
- have a capsule tht is 3 seeded (many-seeded in Juncus)
- have leaves that are hairy with fine white hairs.
There are three varieties that occur in the Castlemaine area.
- Leaves sparsely hairy ..... variety flaccida
- Leaves densely hairy along the margins. Capsule less than or equal to the length of the petals/sepals ... variety meridionalis
- Leaves densely hairy along the margins. Capsule longer than the length of the petals/sepals ... variety densiflora.
Photos: The variety was not recorded at the time of photographing. Photo 2 has capsules longer than the petals-sepals, and so is var.
meridionalis. In photo 3, the caspule does not exceeed the petals-sepals and so is variety
densiflora. All: Castlemaine.