scale bar = 1cm.
Horehound- a weed (*Marrubium vulgare)
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family).
Native of the Mediterranean region.
Occurrence: A widespread weed of farmland, roadsides and
bushland. It is most common on disturbed sites.
- the stems are four-sided and covered with white hairs
- the leaves are in pairs
- the leaves have a crinkled surface and are densely hairy below
- the flowers are white and grow in clusters around the stem
- the fruit develops into a burr with hooked spines.
Horehound is a noxious weed and is Regionally Controlled in
central Victoria. The hooked hairs of the fruit help disperse the
Photos 1: Horehound, showing leaves and flowers. Garden weed.
2: The plants have numerous, almost erect
stems. Wedderburn. 3: The flowers are in rings around the stems. Maldon