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Black Nightshade - introduced (*Solanum nigrum)
Other names: Blackberry Nightshade.
Family: Solanaceae (Potato family).
Native of Europe.
Occurrence: A common weed of degraded farmland, roadsides and waste areas.
- it is a herb (i.e non woody plant) or shrub, growing to a metre high
- it has green egg-shaped leaves that are sometimes lobed
- the leaves are not markedly lighter on the under-surface
- the flowers are starry and white
- the fruit is a small green to black berry, and the fruit stalks are bent downward.
This plant is sometimes called Deadly Nightshade, a name generally given to a different species (Altropa belladonna).
Similar species: White-tip Nightshade has leaves that are paler beneath, petals that are narrower,
and the fruit stalks are bent sharply back.
Photos 1: Black Nightshade growing in a stone wall. Forest Creek, Castlemaine.
2: Black Nightshade. Lake Pertobe. 3: Enlargement of part of photo 2.
4: Numerous Black Nightshade along Dead Horse Gully. Castlemaine. 5: Berries. Forest Creek.