scale bar = 1cm.
Sandspurrey - natives? (Spergularia species)
Family: Caryophyllaceae (Chickweed, Carnation family).
Occurrence: Widespread. Often growing on bare ground, including footpaths and on roadside gravel.
- they are small, almost prostrate plants
- the leaves are narrow and thread-like, often coming to a narrow point
- the leaves are clustered along the stems
- the flowers are pink to white with five petals.
There is considerable doubt about the correct identity of this⁄these plant(s). They were
formerly included with Red Sandspurrey (Spergularia rubra) but is it is now thought that there are two
or more species. Some of these do not correspond to any overseas plants, and may be undescribed
native species. Red Sandspurrey is a native of Europe.
Photos 1: Sandspurrey. Photographed in 1980 as Red Sandsurrey (
Spergularia rubra). Its correct identity isprobably
Spergularia species 3. Castlemaine.
2: Sandspurrey. Chewton oval. 3, 4: Castlemaine. These plants do not yet have formal scientific names. They may be native.