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Chickweed - introduced (*Stellaria media)

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Family: Caryophyllaceae (Chickweed & Carnation family).

Native of Europe.

Occurrence: Chickweed is a widespread weed of degraded areas, roadsides and gardens. It is also an environmental weed.


Pale Chickweed (Stellaria pallida) is usually a bushland weed, often growing at the base of trees. Its flowers do not have petals.

Chickweed: a favoured food of chickens.

Photos 1: Chickweed. Templeton St, Castlemaine.
2, 3: Kaweka Reserve. The rows of hairs along one side of the stems is evident.
4: Smith Reef Historic Reserve. Chickweed has five deeply divided petals, and can readily be mistaken for a daisy.

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Carpet of Chickweed. Fryerstown cemetery.