Black Wattle - local native (Acacia mearnsii)


A small tree. The leaves are divided into pinnae which are further divided into leaflets. The leaflets are crowded. There are glands (small raised swellings) scattered along the main leaf axis. The leaves, and usually the branchlets, are green. Flowers are in sprays in early summer. Moderately common.

Black Wattle differs from Silver Wattle in the green foliage, the closely-spaced leaflets, the irregular placement of the glands along the central leaf vein and the later flowering time. The leaflets of Early Black Wattle are much longer, and widely spaced.

In earlier times, large quantities of Black Wattle were harvested for tannin, for the tanning industry. Black Wattle is an important habitat tree for many kinds of wildlife.

1: The leaflets of Black Wattle are closely spaced. 2, 3: In flower, Mt Alexander. 4. Gum as a result of insect attack. Eureka Diggings. wattlewattle