Family: Brassicaceae (Cabbage family).
Native to Mt Alexander.
Occurrence: Now only known from Mt Alexander, where it grows on damp mossy granite rock oucrops.
- from its habitat - on damp mossy granite rock faces
- the small white flowers which have 4 petals
- the small size of the plant - to 10cm high, but usually much less
- the leaves, which have a pair of teeth at the leaf base.
Notes: This plant was recorded by Von Mueller in 1885 from Mt Alexander. It was presumed extinct in Victoria until rediscovered in 1983 by Neville Scarlett.
VROTS: endangered in Victoria and Australia. Listed under the Fauna and Flora Guarantee Act.
!: Dried specimen collected by Neville Scarlett. Photo 1: Typical habitat. 2: Ballantinia on a mossy rock face. Mt Alexander