Plants of the Castlemaine District
Tree Lucerne - introduced (*Chamaecytisus palmensis)

Other names: Chamaecytisus proliferus, Cytisus palmensis, Tagasaste.
Family: Fabaceae (Pea family).
Native of the Canary Islands.
Occurrence: Scattered along roadsides and bushland.
- it is a large shrub to small tree
- the leaves are divided into three oval leaflets
- the leaflets are smooth above and softly hairy beneath
- the white pea-flowers are in clusters.
Notes: Tree Lucerne has been widely planted, and sometimes escapes into other areas. The seed is shed explosively
from the drying pods. The seed may also be spread by ants. Tree Lucerne has potential to become a troublesome weed.
Photos 1: The trifoliate leaves, showing the upper and lower surfaces. 2: Flowering branch, Castlemaine.
3: The white pea flowers. Castlemaine. 4: A large Tree Lucerne. Scotsburn.