scale bar = 1cm.
Peas - native and introduced
Common name index
Scientific name index
Spiny Broom
*Calicocome spinosa
Three leaflets. Pea flowers.
Tree Lucerne
*Chamaecytisus palmensis
Tree with white pea flowers. Three leaflets.
English Broom
*Cytisus scoparius
Shrub. Some leaves with three leaflets, often almost leafless.
Flax-leaf Broom
*Genista linifolia
Shrub. 3 narrow leaflets. Yellow pea flowers.
Cape Broom
*Genista monspessulana
Shrub. 3 oval leaflets. Yellow pea flowers.
Angular Pea
*Lathyrus angulatus
Herb. Leaves divided into 2 narrow leaflets.
Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil
*Lotus ulignosus
Yellow pea flowers. Clover like tri-foliate leaves.
Small Medics
. 3 leaflets. Yellow pea flowers.
*Medicago savita
3 leaflets. Purplish pea flowers.
Hexam Scent
*Melilotus indicus
Three leaflets. Cylindrical cluster of yellow pea flowers.
Black Locust
*Robinia pseudoacacia
Small tree. Leaves with with more than three leaflets.
*Ulex europaeus
Spiny bush.
Common Vetch
*Vicia savita
Purple pea flowers. Leaves with leaflets.
Small-flowered Vetches
Small bluish flowers. Leaves with narrow leaflets.
Variable Glycine
Glycine tabacina
Blue flowers. Scrambler. Three leaflets, middle is longest stalked. Rare.
Clover Glycine
Glycine latrobeana
Blue flowers. Clover-like leaves. Erect herb.
Twining Glycine
Glycine clandestina
Blue flowers. Climber. Leaves with 3 narrow leaflets. Rare.
Common Wedge-pea
Gompholobium huegelii
Small shrub. Large yellow flowers. Leaves very narrowly trifoliate. Common.
Purple Coral-pea
Hardenbergia violacea
Prostrate or climbing. Common.
Common Hovea
Hovea heterophylla
Sub-shrub. Flowers late winter. Common.
Austral Indigo
Indigofera australis
Shrub. Pink-red flowers. Leaves with many leaflets. Scattered.
Running Postman
Kennedia prostrata
Prostrate. Leaves with 3 round leaflets. Scattered.
Swainson Pea
Swainsona behriana
Tight cluster of purple pea flowers. Rare.
Egg and bacon peas
The flowers of parrot-peas are wider than high.
Red Parrot-pea
Dillwynia hispida
Reddish flowers. Leaves short, not twisted.
Small-leaved Parrot-pea
Dillwynia phylicoides
Leaves short, spirally twisted.
Bushy Parrot-pea
Dillwynia ramosissima
Branchlets spiny.
Grey Parrot-pea
Dillwynia cinarescens
Leaves narrow, curved back at tip.
Showy Parrot-pea
Dillwynia sericea
Leaves stiff, slightly warty.
Loose-flowered Bush-pea
Pultenaea laxiflora
Flowers as high as wide. Leaves cylindrical.
Common Eutaxia
Eutaxia microphylla
Leaves narrow, in opposite pairs. Uncommon.
Hill Flat-pea
Platylobium montanum
Leaves heart-shaped, paired, stalkless.
Trailing Podolobium
Podolobium procumbens
Leaves paired, folded along mid-vein. Ground hugging.
Round-leaf Flat-pea
Platylobium rotundum
Prostrate, leaves round, stalked, not paired.
Prostrate Flat-pea
Platylobium montanum
) subsp
Prostrate, leaves paired or unpaired, heart-shaped.
Matted Bossiaea
Bossiaea decumbens
Prostrate, matted. Leaves small and round. Southern areas.
Creeping Bossiaea
Bossiaea prostrata
Prostrate. Leaves oval. Uncommon.
Leafy Templetonia
Templetonia stenophylla
Prostrate. Few stemmed. Uncommon.
Matted Bush-pea
Pultenaea pedunculata
Prostrate. Leaves small, sharp-pointed. Common.
Large-leaf Bush-pea
Pultenaea daphnoides
Large shrub. Leaves widest at tip. Rare.
Flat-leaf Bush-pea
Pultenaea platyphylla
Shrub. Grows amongst granite rocks.
Gorse Bitter-pea
Daviesia ulicifolia
Prickly shrub. Very common.
Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea
Daviesia leptophylla
Shrub with narrow, usually erect leaves. Common.
Scented Bush-pea
Pultenaea graveolens
Shrub with small sticky leaves. Porcupine Ridge.
Dwarf Bush-pea
Pultenaea humilis
Small shrub with hairy leaves. Southern areas.
Rusty Bush-pea
Pultenaea hispidula
Shrub with pointed, incurved leaves. Glenluce.
Twiggy Bush-pea
Pultenaea largiflorens
Shrub with small curved leaves. Common.