scale bar = 1cm.
Vetches - introduced (*Vicia species)
Vetches are scrambling plants. The leaves are divided into leaflets, and the leaf extends to a narrow tendril.
Family: Fabaceae (Pea family).
Native of the northern hemisphere.
Common Vetch - introduced (*Vicia sativa).
Leaves blunt at apex.
Common Vetch (*Vicia sativa)
Tiny Vetch - introduced (*Vicia hirsuta)
- the flower stalks are more than 1.5 mm long
- it is densely hairy with fine hairs
- the leaves have 8-20 pairs of leaflets
- the calyx teeth (which surround the base of each flower) are more or less equal in size
- the pod is bewteen 6mm and 12mm long.
Slender Vetch - introduced (*Vicia tetrasperma)
- the flower stalks are more than 1.5 mm long
- leaves have 6-12 pairs of leaflets
- the flowers are 5mm to 8mm long
- the calyx teeth (surrounding the base of the flowers) are unequal in size.
1: Tiny Vetch (
*Vicia hirsuta).
2. Slender Vetch (
*Vicia tetrasperma).