Native to South Africa. Perennial. C3.
Family. Poaceae (Grass family).
Occurrence: Panic Veldt-grass is a widespread and common weed in built up areas.
Veldt grasses have flowers clustered into a slender spray. The spikelets have three florets; a bisexual floret above two sterile florets
The flowers of Panic Veldt-grass are in an open branched spray.
The erect habit, the distinctive panicle arms, and the corrugated lemmas make this a distinctive grass.
It is an environmental weed.
Ehrhartia: After F. Ehrhart, an 18th century Swiss botanist; erecta: upright, perpendicular.
1: The open flower sprays with straight panicle branches and attached spikelets. 2, 3: Panic Veldt-grass growing between the footpath pavement and a paling fence. Templeton St.
4: The lemma with distinctive corrugations.