Plants of the Castlemaine District
Main grass menu
Main Menu
Grass menu
Common name index
Scientific name index
The grass plant
Open flower spray-
branched flower stalks easily visible
(Open panicles).
Blown Grass, Wallaby Grass, etc. ) .
Dense flower cluster with awns - flower stalks hidden.
Barley Grass etc. (Compact panicles).
Dense flower cluster without awns- flower stalks hidden.
Phalaris, etc. (Compact panicles).
Flowers on radiating arms. Arms terminal or almost terminal.
Bristly or not. Windmill grasses, Couch etc.
Flowers on arms from along the main stalk. Stalkless or almost so.
Bristly or not. Paspalum, Barnyard Grass etc.
Flowers stalkless,
attached directly to the stems.
Rye Grass etc. Excluding windmill grasses. (Spikes)
Some distinctive grasses
Flower stalks unbranched. Racemes.
Weeping Grass etc. (Racemes).
Flowers with bristles just below the flowers.
Setaria etc, etc.
Vigorous creeping grasses.
Kikuyu, Couch etc.
Flowers with awned glumes.
Wetland grasses.
Grasses growing in or beside water