scale bar = 1cm.
Small St John's Wort - native (Hypericum gramineum )
and Matted St John's Wort - native (H. japonicum)
Family: Hypericaceae (St John's Wort Family).
Small St John's Wort is a native of Australia. Matted St John's Wort is native to Australia and eastern Asia.
Occurrence: Small St John’s Wort is widespread and moderately common. Matted St John's Wort is uncommon.
Identification of Small St. John's Wort:
- Small St John's Wort is an erect plant and up to a 30cm in height
- the narrow leaves are paired and the edges curl downwards. The upper leaves are stalkless
- the flowers are a golden yellow and have numerous conspicuous yellow stamens
- the leaves do not have oil dots.
Photos 1: Small St John's Wort. Maldon. 2,3. Barfold.

4: Matted St John's Wort. Lismore.
Matted St John's Wort (Hypericum japonicum can be recognised by its tufted, spreading habit and its wider (egg-shaped) leaves. It has been recorded for Mt Alexander.
St John's Wort (*Hypericum perforatum) is a larger plant, usually much branched, and with numerous oil-dots in the leaves.