Plants of the Castlemaine District
Yellow Stars - natives (Hypoxis species)
Family: Hypoxidaceae (Yellow Star family).
Three species have been recorded locally.
Tiny Star (Hypoxis glabella var. glabella). Common.
Yellow Star (Hypoxis vaginata var. vaginata). Fairly common.
Golden Weather-grass (Hypoxis hygrometrica var. villosisepala). Rare.
The difference between the three are:
- leaves and-or stems hairy ..... H. hygometrica.
- hairless. Flowering stalk with a pair of very narrow leaves......H. vaginata.
- hairless. Flowering stalk with a single leaf, at least as broad as the stem .......H. glabella.

Photo 1-3: Hypoxis glabella. Castlemaine.

4: Hypoxis glabella. Broad single leaf on flower stalk. Herbarium Specimen. 5. H. vaginata. One of the two narrow leaves on the stalk. 3: H. hygrometrica. Herbarium specimen. Redesdale.