Native to the southern Europe.
Family. Poaceae (Grass family).
Other names: Lophopyrum elongatum, Thinopyrum elongatum.
Occurrence: Uncommon.
It is salt-tolerant and often planted in saline places.
Tall Wheat-grass resembles a tall rye grass, in that the flowers are stalkless along the main stem. It differs in its height (to over a metre) and the spikelets have two glumes (compared with 1 for most spikelets of Rye Grass), and the glumes have a blunt tip (pointed for rye grasses.)
It is an environmental weed.
Lophos: a tuft; pyros: wheat, it is a tufted wheat-grass; ponticum: from the shores of the Black Sea.
1, 2: Tall Wheat-grass near Emu Creek, growing with Spiny Rush. 3, 4: Flower spikes. Spikelets are attached directly to the main stalk. Bells Swamp.