Plants of the Castlemaine District.

Slender Sun Orchid -native (Thelymitra pauciflora)

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Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family).

Native of Australia and NZ.

Recognise by

  • the small generally pale blue flowers
  • the small size of the flowers (less than 2cm wide)
  • the usually small numbers of flowers on each plant
  • the tardy opening of the flowers; usually full sun is needed for the petals to open.
  • Common and widespread.

    It is sometimes not easy to separate Slender Sun Orchid from Scented Sun Orchid. Slender Sun Orchid generally has paler flowers, fewer flowers, and smaller flowers, and they open less readily.


    Photos 1: Castlemaine Botanic gardens. 2: Eureka Diggings. 3: Muckleford.