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Rats-tail Fescue - introduced (*Vulpia myuros forma myuros)

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Vulpia species

vulpia vulpia vulpia vulpia vulpia

Native to Europe. Annual. C3.

Family. Poaceae (Grass family).

A common weed.


The small first glume and the partly enclosed flower cluster are distinctive.

It is an environmental weed.

Vulpia: in honour of J.S. Vulpius, 1760-1840, a German chemist; myuros: long and tapering, like a mouse's tail.

1: Rats-tail Fescue is a slender grass. Grampians. 2-5: The narrow lemmas that taper into long straight awns is typical of vulpias. The flowers of Rat-tail Fescue is partly covered by a leaf. The first glume is only about a millimetre long. Emu Creek.