Is it a native?

Bluebells - natives (Wahlenbergia species)

It is not always easy to distinguish between bluebell species. There is variation within the one species, the size of the plant depends on seasonal conditions, and perennial species die off in hot summers, so that it can be difficult to decide whether the plant is an annual or not. Tall Bluebell (Wahlenbegia stricta) is by far the most common. Annual Bluebell (Wahlenbergia gracilenta) is moderately common. It is much smaller than Tall Bluebell.

Wahlenbergia - named in honour of the Swiss Botanist Goran Wahlenberg born 1780.

bluebell Annual Bluebell (Wahlenbergia gracilenta) Common. Annual. Hairy. Usually less than 30cm high.
bluebell Yellowish Bluebell (Wahlenbergia luteola) Leaves very narrow. Outside of petals yellowish. Grassland plant.
bluebell Tall Bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta) Very common bushland plant. Leaves mostly opposite, often crinkled.
bluebell Tufted Bluebell (Wahlenbergia communis) Tufted. Moderately common. Township.
bluebell Many-stemmed Bluebell (Wahlenbergia multicaulis) Usually much-branched. Petals relatively short. Uncommon.