scale bar = 1cm.
Blue - Purple Flowers - native and introduced.
Common name index
Scientific name index
Blue and purple flowers do not always photograph in true colors.
Blue Orchids
*Agapanthus praecox
Spherical heads from leafy tussocks.
Austral Bugle
Ajuga australis
Tubular flowers. Leaves opposite pairs. Uncommon.
*Borago officinalis
Drooping partly concealed flowers.
Inland Noon-flower
Carpobrotus modestus
Leaves triangular in X section, usually purplish.
*Carpobrotus aequilaterus
Leaves usually green.
Wild Teasel
*Dipsacus fullonum)
Hedgehog-like cylindrical fruit.
Paterson's Curse
*Echium plantagineum
Herb with bright terminal flowers.
Stork's Bills
) Herbs. Fruit long and beak-like. Leaves prostrate.
Blue Devil
Erygium ovinum
) Prickly-looking plant with most parts becoming blue.
Spring Star-flower
*Ipheion uniflorum
Strap-shaped leaves. Garlic smell. Pale bluish flowers.
Bearded Iris
*Iris germanica
. Floppy blue flower on erect stalk.
Swamp Isotome
Isotoma fluviatilis
Pale blue starry flowers. Swamp plant.
*Lamium aplexicaule
) Pale blue-purple flower clusters. Round toothed leaves in pairs.
Angular Pea
*Lathyrus angulatus
Herb. Leaves divided into 2 narrow leaflets.
French Lavander
*Lavandula dentata
Leaves narrow, toothed.
Topped Lavander
*Lavandula stoechas
Leaves narrow, toothed.
Notch-leaf Sea Lavender
*Limonium sinuatum
Blue flowers with white centres.
Toad Flax
*Linaria pelliseriana
Spurred terminal blue flowers.
Scarlet Pimpernel
(*Lysimachia arvensis
Herb. Blue flowered form of Scarlet Pimpernel.
Chinese Boxthorn
(*Lycium barbarum
Scrambling shrub. Small bluish flowers.
Small Loosestrife
(*Lythrum hyssopifolia
Herb. Small plant of damp places. Small blue flowers.
Purple Loosestrife
(*Lythrum salicaria
Erect herb. Showy clusters of reddish-purple flowers.
*Mentha puleguim
Purplish flowers circle stems. Wet areas.
Thread Iris
*Moraea setifolia
Pale purplish flowers. Long thread-like leaves.
Grape Hyacinth
*Muscari armeniciacum
Narrow fleshy leaves. Cylindrical clusters of blue flowers.
Purple or orange flowers.
Common Bartsia
*Parenucellia latifolia
Small flowers clustered at end of stalk.
Magenta Stork's-bill
Pelargonium rodneyanum
Herb with magenta flowers in summer.
*Prunus vulgaris
Terminal cylindrical cluster of blue flowers.
Pink Mulla Mulla
Ptilotus exaltatus
Cylindrical cluster of flowers.
Onion Grass
Romulea rosea
Narrow leaves. Petals sharp pointed.
Briar Rose
*Rosa rubignosa
Prickly open shrub. Orange-red hips (fruit).
*Rosmarinus officinalis
Terminal clusters of small pale flowers.
Wild Sage
*Salvia verbenaca
Leafy base. Flowers in rings.
*Scabiosa atropurpurea
Pincushion flowers of various colours.
White-tip Nightshade
*Solanum chenopopodioides
Like Black Nightshade. Petals narrow, leaves paler underneath.
Black Nightshade
*Solanum nigrum
Petals white starry, leaves not paler underneath.
*Solanum esuriale
Low shrublet. Showy flowers. Warm climates.
Kangaroo Apple
Solanum laciniatum)
Medium to large bushy green shrub.
Sand Spurrey.
Spergularia species
Small, often on gravel paths.
Blue Periwinkle
*Vinca major
Ground cover with showy bluish flowers.
Chocolate lilies
Slender herbs with blue-purple flowers.
Pale Vanilla Lily
Arthropodium milleflorum
Slender herb with pale purple flowers.
Blue Pincushion
Brunonia australis
Erect stalk with ball-shaped flower cluster. Common.
Black-anther Flax-lily
Dianella admixta
Large dense tussocks.
Late-flowered Flax-lily
Dianella tarda
Small tussocks. Late flowering.
Glaucous Flax-lily
sp aff
Small tussocks. Flowers in morning.
Small Mud-mat
Glossostigma elatinoides
Mat plant on lake banks.
Austral Brooklime
Gratiola peruviana
Blue tube flowers. Opposite pairs of toothed leaves. Uncommon.
Shrub Violet
Hybanthus floribundus
Shrub. Blue-grey lipped flowers. Rare.
Rock Isotome
Isotoma axillaris
Herb. Granite hilltops.
Wild Flax
Linum marginale
Usually a slender plant with narrow leaves.
Tall Lobelia
Lobelia gibbosa
Erect herb. Flowers summer. Common.
Purple Eyebright
Euphrasia collina
Erect herb. Rare.
Twining Fringe-lily
Thysanotus patersonii
Climbing-twining. Common.
Common Fringe-lily
Thysanotus tuberosus
Branched, not climbing. Localised.
Fairies Aprons
Utrichularia dichotoma
Swampy areas. Slender stalks. Localised.
Showy Violet
Viola betonicifolia
Long tapering leaves. Uncommon. Wetter forests.
Ivy-leaf Violet
Viola banksii
Spoon-shaped leaves. Damper forests.
Blue flowers on slender stalks. Common.
Love Creeper
Comesperma volubile
Clusters of pea-like flowers. Often almost leafless. Uncommon
Heath Milkwort
Comesperma ericinum
Shrublet. Clusters of pea-like flowers on leafy stems. Uncommon.
Small Milkwort
Comesperma polygaloides
Herb. Rare grassland plant.
Cuban Lily
*Scilla peruviana
Basal strap-shaped leaves. Uncommon.
Bluebell Creeper
*Billardiera fusiformis
Blue flowers. Flowers drooping, in 1 or 2s.
Blue Grass-lily
Caesia calliantha
Grass-like leaves. Striped blue flowers. Rare
Blue Stars
Chamaescilla corymbosa
Low growing. Slender stalks grow from a ring of narrow leaves. Scattered.
Pale blue flowers. Leaves almost round, Common weeds.
Rough Mint Bush
Prostanthera denticulata
Shrub with narrow rough leaves. Widespread.
Herbs. Leaves toothed or not. Widespread.