Plants of the Castlemaine District
Red or pink flowers
Scientific name index
Common name index
Bella Donna Lily
*Amaryllis belladonna
Flowers rise from leafless bases.
*Centaurium species
Erect herbs.
Red Valerian
*Centranthus ruber
Terminal red flower clusters.
Blushing Bindweed
Convolvulus angustissimus
) Twining grassland plant.
*Cocosmia X crocosmiiflora
Small tube flowers.
Willow Herbs
Herb. Fruit long and narrow; with fluffy seeds.
*Fumaria species
Weak climbers. Leaves divided into narrow segments.
Dove's Foot Geranium
*Geranium molle
Low growing. Leaves round and deeply dissected.
Pincushion Hakea
*Hakea laurina
. Large shrub with ball-shaped flower clusters.
Scarlet Pimpernel
(*Lysimachia arvensis
Herb. Red flowered form of Scarlet Pimpernel.
Red Mallow
*Modiola caroliniana
Mallow with red flowers.
Cape Tulip
Orange-red Flowers. 1 or 2 grassy leaves..
Pink Wood Sorrel
*Oxalis articulata
. Flowers stalked, pink.
Large-flowered Wood Sorrel
*Oxalis purpurea
. Flowers shortly stalked, large.
Pale Knotweed
Persicaria lapathifolia
Open shrub to a metre or more. Wetlands.
Slender Knotweed
Persicaria decipiens
Low (30-60cm)open shrub. Wetlands.
Creeping Knotweed
Persicaria prostrata
Prostrate. Wetlands.
Velvet Pink
*Petrorhagia dubia
Erect stalks with terminal flower.
Ticolour Harlequin Flower
*Sparaxis tricolor
Flowers 3 coloured; yellow, black, red.
Strawberry Clover
*Trifolium fragiferum
Flowers red. Pods becoming bladder-like and woolly.
Red Clover
*Trifolium pratense.
Flower cluster red-pink-purple, large.
Cranberry Heath
Astroloma humifusum
Prostate. Leaves bluish. Red Tube flowers. Common.
Flame Heath
Astroloma conostephoides
Shrub. Red Tube flowers. Rare.
Sticky Boronia
Boronia anemonifolia
Shrub. 4 pink petals. Sticky narrow leaves. Rare.
Pink Purslane
Calandrina calyptrata
Tiny succulent. Pink flowers. Rare.
Common Heath
Epacris impressa
Shrub. Tube flowers red pink or white. Southern areas.
Rosy Heath-myrtle
Euromyrtus ramosissima
Low shrub. Pink tea-tree like flowers. Locally rare.
Austral Indigo
Indigofera australis
Shrub. Pink-red pea flowers. Leaves with many leaflets. Scattered.
Running Postman
Kennedia prostrata
Prostrate. Leaves with 3 round leaflets. Scattered
Pink Beard-heath
Leucopogon ericoides
Flowers clustered. Shrub. Fryers Ridge.
Pink Bells
Tretatheca ciliata
Leaves usually in threes. Shrublet. Common.
Strawberry Clover
*Trifolium fragiferum
Flowers red. Pods becoming bladder-like and woolly.
Knotted Clover
*Trifolium striatum
Flowers pink, not bladdery. Uncommon.
Red Clover
*Trifolium pratense
Flower cluster red-pink-purple, large.
Tufted Honey-flower
*Melianthus comosus
Large plant to 1m or more. Leaflets large, toothed. Uncommon.
Cape Honey-flower
*Melianthus major
Large plant to 2m. Leaflets large, toothed. Uncommon.
Grass Trigger-plants
Grass-like leaves. Flowers pale pink to pink. Common