scale bar = 1cm.
Great Mullein - introduced (*Verbascum thapsus)
Other names: Aaron’s Rod.
Family: Scrophulariaceae.
Native of Europe and Asia.
Occurrence: Fairly uncommon. It is usually in waste, weedy places or on disturbed land.
the leaves, stems and buds are covered with a dense mat of soft white hairs
the yellow flowers grow along a stout erect stalk that is 2 metres or more high
there is a rosette of basal leaves; the leaves extend up the stem
the leaves along the stem get progressively smaller up the stem.
It is a declared noxious weed and Regionally Controlled in central Victoria.
In medieval times, the dried stalks of Mullein were
dipped in tallow and used as torches in street processions.
Similar species: Twiggy Mullein (Verbascum virgatum) is more slender,
has smaller and less hairy leaves. It is also more common.
Photo 1: Basal leaves of Great Mullein. Lerderderg River,
Nerrina. The weed is growing amongst native Bidgee Widgee.
2. Bridgewater Road, Maldon. As it matures the plant has an untidy appearance.
3: Great Mullein. A street weed, Hargraves St, Castlemaine.
4: Railway embankment. Barker St, Castlemaine.