scale bar = 1cm.
Twiggy Mullein - introduced (*Verbascum virgatum)
Family: Scrophulariaceae.
Native of Europe.
Occurrence: Widespread on roadsides, farmland and waste places.
- the flowers are large and showy, and have five petals
- the flowers grow along the long, erect central stem
- the filaments (inside the petals) are covered with purple to crimson hairs
- the basal leaves have irregular lobes and the leaf base is narrowed into long stalk
- the leaves become smaller towards the top.
Twiggy Mullein is a garden escape. It is now a
widely distributed weed, and is Regionally Prohibited in parts of Victoria.
Similar species: Great Mullein (Verbascum thaspus) is a larger plant with a
stouter stem, and most parts are covered with white, woolly hairs.
Photo 1: Twiggy Mullein. Railway Dam, Elphinstone. It grows as an erect plant.
2, 3, 4: Flowers. Happy Valley.