scale bar = 1cm.
Climbers and twiners - native and introduced.
Common name index
Scientific name index
Sweet Apple-berry
*Billardiera cymosa
Pale flowers. Flowers clustered.
Trumpet Flower
Leaves divided into toothed leaflets. Climber.
Coarse Dodder-laurel
Cassytha melanthaa
Coarse leafless parasitic climber.
Slender Dodder-laurel
Cassytha glabella
Slender leafless parasitic climber over low shrubs. Hairless.
Downy Dodder-laurel
Cassytha pubescens
Parasitic climber over low shrubs. Finely hairy.
Blushing Bindweed
Convolvulus angustissimus
) Twining grassland plant.
Common Bindweed
*Convolvulus arvensis
) Twining plant
Cape Ivy
*Delairea odorata
Climber with glossy leaves.
Weak climber. Leaves divided into narrow segments.
*Galium aparine
Clinging climber with leaves in 6s.
Small Bedstraw
*Galium murale
. Slender, trailing. Leaves in 6s or 8s.
Rough Bedstraw
Galium gaudichaudii
Slender trailing. Leaves in fours
Slender Bedstraw
*Galium divaricatum
Climber with leaves in 3s to 6s.
*Hedera helix
Vigorous climber. Leaves glossy, lobed or unlobed. Often planted.
Japanese Honeysuckle
*Lonicera japonica
Climber. White two-lipped tube flowers. Oval leaves.
Wandering Tradescantia
*Tradescantia fumatinensis
Blue Periwinkle
*Vinca major
Ground cover with showy bluish flowers.
Small-leaf Clematis
Clematis microphylla
Climber 4 white petals. Not common.
Twining Glycine
Glycine clandestina
Blue flowers. Climber. Leaves with 3 narrow leaflets. Rare.
Twining Fringe-lily
Thysanotus patersonii
Climbing-twining. Common.
Morning Glory
*Ipomoea indica
Deep blue flowers.
Love Creeper
Comesperma volubile
Clusters of pea-like flowers. Often almost leafless. Uncommon.
Pampas Lily-of-the-valley
*Salpichroa origanifolia
White bell flowers. Climber.
Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica
Climber. White two-lipped tube flowers. Oval leaves.