scale bar = 1cm.
Wetland plants - streamsides or at water - native and introduced.
Common name index
Scientific name index
Aster Weed
*Aster subulatus
Erect. White petals scarcely protrude. Wetlands and streamsides.
Lesser Joyweed
Alternanthera denticulata
Wetlands and mud flats. Erect.
Hastate Orache
Atriplex prostrata
Wetland. Erect or prostrate.
Pacific Azolla.
Azolla filiculoides
Floating fern with divided fronds. Still water.
Water Buttons.
*Cotula coronopifolia
) Slightly succulent plant.
Swamp Crassula
Crassula helmsii
Small wetland plant.
River Mint
Mentha australis
Narrow green leaves.
Swamp Isotome
Isotoma fluviatilis
Pale blue starry flowers. Swamp plant.
Small straw-coloured or brown flowers. Usually wetland plants.
Tiny (a few mm) floating plants on still water.
Small Loosestrife
(Lythrum hyssopifolia
Herb. Small plant of damp places. Small blue flowers.
Purple Loosestrife
(Lythrum salicaria
Erect herb. Showy clusters of reddish-purple flowers.
*Mentha puleguim
Purplish flowers circle stems. Wet areas.
Garden Mint
*Mentha spicata
Cylindrical terminal clusters of white flowers. Aromatic. Wet areas.
Tangled Lignum
Duma florulenta
Wiry almost leafless shrub Swamps.
Parrot's Feather
*Myriophyllum aquaticum
Rings of bluish leaves. Leaflets narrow. Aquatic.
Water Milfoils
Leaves in rings, green or red, sometimes with narrow leaflets. Aquatic.
*Nasturtium officinale
4 white petals. Leaves in unequal leaflets. Wet areas.
Water Lily
) species.
Large pond lily.
Pale Knotweed
Persicaria lapathifolia
Open shrub to a metre or more. Wetlands.
Slender Knotweed
Persicaria decipiens
Low (30-60cm)open shrub. Wetlands.
Creeping Knotweed
Persicaria prostrata
Prostrate. Wetlands.
Matted Starwort.
Stellaria caespitosa
Cushion bush. Wet areas.
Water Ribbons
Cycnogeton procerum
Flat leaves float on water. Flower an erect spike.
Vallisneria australis
Submerged plant. Spiral stalks.
Water Plantain
Alisma plantago-aquatica
White 3-petalled flowers. Leaves plantain-like.
Common Starwort
*Callitriche stagnalis
Small paired oval leaves. Uncommon.
*Callitriche brutia
Small paired oval leaves and long linear leaves Uncommon.
Star Fruit
Damasonium minus
Broad leaves on slender stalks. Fruit star-shaped. Uncommon.
Dysphania glomulifera
Plant of lake edges. Tiny flowers. Uncommon.
Elatine gratioloides
Water edge. Pinkish stems.
Canadian Pondweed
*Elodea canadensis
Sumberged weed.
Small Mud-mat
Glossostigma elatinoides
Mat plant on banks.
Austral Brooklime
Gratiola peruviana
Blue tube flowers. Leaves in opposite pairs and toothed. Uncommon.
Poison Pratia
Lobelia concolor
Prostrate, rooting at nodes.
Creeping Monkey-flower
Mimulus repens
Prostrate, small paired leaves.
Fairies Aprons
Utrichularia dichotoma
Swampy areas. Slender stalks. Localised.
Water Blinks
Montia fontana
Swampy areas. Paired leaves. Uncommon
Angled Lobelia
Lobelia anceps
Swampy areas. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical.
White Purslane
Neopaxia australasica
Swampy areas. Long narrow leaves.
Swamp Weed
Selliera radicans
Swampy areas. Flowers small, fan-shaped. Uncommon.
Curly Pond-weed
Potamogeton crispus
Submerged. Leaves narrow, stalkless, opposite, wavy.
Blunt Pond-weed
Potamogeton ochreatus
Submerged. Leaves narrow, flat, blunt.
Floating Pond-weed
Potamogeton tricarinatus
Oval leaves float on surface.
Streaked Arrow-grass
Triglochin striata
Slender erect leaves and stems. Uncommon.
Swamp Starwort
*Stellaria angustifolia
Narrow paired leaves. Uncommon.
Old Man Weed
Centipeda cunninghamii
Wetland plant with button daisy flowers at leaf bases.