Daisies are composite flowers. The flower head is made up of many small flowers (the florets). There are two kinds of florets. Those with a single long petal (the ray florets), and those with tubular petals (the disc florets). A typical daisy flower has an outer circle of ray florets which surround the central disc florets. Some daisies (e.g. dandelions) have ray florets only. Other daisies (e.g. Billy Buttons) have disc florets only. One or more circles of small leaves (the bracts) surround the base of the flower clusters. These are usally green but are sometimes brightly coloured (e.g in everlasting daisies) and resemble petals. In some daisies (e.g. Poached Egg Daisies), what appears to be one head is made up of numerous heads.