scale bar = 1cm.
White flowers
Common name index
Scientific name index
Onion Weed
*Asphodelus fistulosus
Petals with thin brown stripe. Common in warmer districts.
Southern Shepherd's Purse
Ballantinia antipoda
Four white petals, divided leaves
Ward's Weed
*Carrichtera annua
Small annual; fruit resemble tadpoles. Northern areas.
Common Mouse-ear Chickweed
Cerastrium glomeratum
Small herb. Petals scarcely protrude from surrounding bracts.
Tree Lucerne
*Chamaecytisus palmensis
Tree with white pea flowers. Leaves trifoliate.
*Conium maculatum
To about a metre high. Fern-like leaves.
Common Bindweed
*Convolvulus arvensis
Twining plant.
Shrubs with red fruit.
Kidney Weed
Dichondra repens)
Prostrate creeper. Kidney-shaped leaves.
Australian Anchor Plant
Discaria pubescens)
Spines paired, like anchors. Shrub. Rare.
*Erica lusitanica
Shrub with white or pale pink tube flowers.
*Freesia alba
Large white tube flowers.
White-flower Fumitory
*Fumaria capreolata
. Weak climber. Leaves divided into narrow segments.
Carpet Weed
*Galena pubescens
Mat forming. Leaves oval, shortly hairy.
Common Heliotrope
*Heliotropium europaeum
Flowers small, forming an arching cluster.
*Kunzea phylicoides
Tea-tree with white flowers on short stalks.
Hoary Cress
*Lepidium drabra
Terminal flat-topped flower clusters. Flowers with 4 petals.
*Leucojum aestivum
Strap-shaped leaves. White flowers with green spots.
Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica
Climber. White two-lipped tube flowers. Oval leaves.
Garden Mint
*Mentha spicata
Cylindrical terminal clusters of white flowers. Aromatic. Wet areas.
Tangled Lignum
Muehlenbeckia florulenta
Wiry almost leafless shrub Swamps.
Narcissus tazetta
White petals with central yellow cup.
*Nasturtium officinale
4 white petals. Leaves in unequal leaflets. Wet areas.
Fragrant False Garlic>
*Nothoscordum borbonicum
Onion-like leaves. Clusters of white flowers .
Sweet Pittosporum
*Pittosporum undulatum.
Small tree. Orange berries.
Weeping Pittosporum
*Pittosporum angustifolium.
Small tree. Apricot-coloured berries.
Black Locust
*Robinia pseudoacacia
Small tree. Leaves with leaflets.
*Stellaria media
Scrambling herb. 5 white deeply divided petals- resembles 10 petals.
Prickly Starwort
Stellaria pungens
Scrambling herb. 5 white deeply divided petals- resembles 10 petals. Leaves narrow, sharp.
Grey Germander
*Teucrium racemosum
2-lipped white flowers; flower stalks bent.
Stellaria caespitosa
Cushion bush. Wet areas.
Wandering Tradescantia
*Tradescantia fumatinensis
Clustered Clover
*Trifolium glomeratum.
Flowers small, white, in spiky-looking balls.
White Clover
*Trifolium repens.
Flowers white, clustered. Leaves with yellow crescent.
Subterranean Clover
*Trifolium subterannean
Flowers white, small. Common.
Large white bell flowers. Rare.
Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Large petal-like white bract.
Rough Star-hair
Astrotricha linearis
ssp 1)
Shrub. White petals. Elphinstone.
Daphne Heath
Brachyloma daphnoides
Shrub. White tube flowers with spreading tips. Very Common.
Milkmaids (
Burchardia umbellata
Lily. White flowers radiate from a common point. Common.
Sweet Bursaraia
Bursaria spinosa
Prickly shrub. Flowers summer.
Shiny Cassinia
Cassinia longifolia
Flat-topped clusters of white flowers. Leaves with under-vein visible. Uncommon.
Sticky Cassinia
Cassinia diminuta
Flat-topped clusters of yellow flowers. Localised.
Common Fringe-myrtle
Calytrix tetragona
Shrub. Seplas with awns, reddish. Fairly common.
Small-leaf Clematis
Clematis microphylla
Climber 4 white petals. Not common.
Bitter Cryptandra
Cryptandra amara
Low shrub. Rare
Small white flowers
Common Heath
Epacris impressa
Shrub. Tube flowers red pink or white. Southern areas.
Bushy Needlewood
Hakea decurrens
Prickly leaved shrub.
Woolly Teatree
Leptospermum lanigerum
Leaves and fruit silky-woolly. Southern streamsides.
Heath Teatree
Leptospermum myrsinoides
Leaves and fruit not woolly. Common.
Twin-flower Beard-heath
Leucopogon fletcheri
Flowers paired, nodding. Fryers Ridge.
Common Beard-heath
Leucopogon virgatus
Low shrub. Common.
Peach Heath
Lissanthe strigosa
Low spreading shrub. Leaves stiff, narrow, sharp. Uncommon.
Urn Heath
Melichrus urceolatus
Low spreading shrub. Leaves stiff, narrow, sharp. Moderately common.
Bendigo Wax
Philotheca verrucosa
Shrub. Flowers with waxy petals Common.
Terminal white flower clusters.
Stackhousia monogyna
White tube flowers.
Early Nancy
Wurmbea dioica
White flowers with purple ring.
Small Grass-tree
Xanthorrhoea minor
Small grass-tree. Trunk absent. Rare.
White Marianth
Rhytidosperma procumbens
Small spreading shrublet.
River Mint
Mentha australis
Narrow green leaves.
White-tip Nightshade
*Solanum chenopopodioides.
Like Black Nightshade. Petals narrow, leaves paler underneath.
Black Nightshade
*Solanum nigrum.
Like Black Nightshade. Petals white starry, leaves not paler underneath.
Willow Herbs
Herb. Fruit long and narrow; with fluffy seeds.
Pampas Lily-of-the-valley
*Salpichroa origanifolia
White bell flowers. Climber.
Bridal Wreath
*Spiraea cantoniensis
Shrub. Toothed diamond-shaped leaves. Fryerstown.
Corn Spurrey
*Spergula arvensis
Herb. Flower stalks bent back. Uncommon.
Book Trigger-plant
Stylidium androsaceum
Small herb. Trigger-plant flwers.
Irish Strawberry
*Arbutus unedo
Flowers bell shaped. Fruit red balls.
*Malus pumila
Small tree.
Rock Rose
Shrub. Harcourt North.
Pale white or pale blue flowers. Leaves almost round, Common weeds.
Austral Stork's-bill
Pelargonium australe
Herb with roundish stalked leaves. Localised.
Small Poranthera
Poranthera microphylla
Small herb. Spoon-shaped leaves. Scattered.
Victorian Christmas Bush
Prostanthera lasianthos
Large shrub. Very rare. Possibly locally extinct.
French Catchfly
*Silene gallica
Fruit inflated, papery, striped. Petals white.
Grass Trigger-plants
Grass-like leaves. Flowers pale pink to pink. Common
Wild Gladiolus
*Gladiolus undulatus
Grass-like leaves. Flowers cream to white. Uncommom.